Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lazer Trek Sports

On 29th of April, 2012, QUT Taiwan alumni held lazer trek events in Taipei city where the unique and distinctive place for recreation and friends reunion in happy hours on Sunday. Everybody was ready for the contest regardless individual or team games after some alumni met up in Mr.Brown coffee shop for lunch and sharing daily lives with one another. The coach in Lazer Trek game center was superb with the service to ensure balanced team members for the next 3 rounds games he provided. Everyone played it one time, and afterwards he scored the result and announced it via score card. He was not only passionate but also well-trained in instructing lazer games regulations. Each of us acted like overgrown children in a virtual battleground. Within two hours' experience, we drank lots of water from getting dehydrated and thirsty. The Vampire game gave us a professional training in lazer guns maneuver as well as there were 3 kids vampire shooting us when they appeared and disappeared in a quick movement under twiligt surroundings.

There were alumni plus three children in our squad against the opponent in a new game rule later. I could not remember where they were from but their parents just watched their kids playing with us. In the indoor room, we just ran and shouted a lot with surprise and excitement as we bumped into or approached other shooting gamers with lazer guns. It was healthy and positive sports with friends instead of lazily becoming potato couches day by day.

At last, we were together in photos for memories and witness of being alumni. It was quite worthwhile to study and have not only international friends but also Taiwanese alumni in Queensland University of Technology as I experienced and enjoyed relaxing life in Brisbane, Queensland state and other parts of Australia.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life Lessons from Steve Jobs

After reading the book, I reckon what he had said that someone will be dead soon is the most efficient tool which helps persons make the big and vital choices in life. The reason is that almost everything--- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fade when persons face the death while leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that people are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking people have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow the heart.
Steve has done the best on earth through Apple Inc. Now Apple users hope that the world will give Apple Corporation enough time and space to put Steve Spirit a different ding in the most important part of innovation and consumer electronics market.Staying "hungry" and "foolish" with those Steve loves most. Let's "trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future" while we continue to live each day as if it were our last. So, asking myself, 1. Have I found what I love to do in life? 2. Do I have the courage to follow my heart and intuition? 3. Do I say goodbye before it is too late to say it?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Aowanda and Chingjing Farm Trip

Aowanda Forest Park was my first stop in Nantou county on 3/3, 2012. This was one of the most moved and emotional areas I have ever traveled in Taiwan. I spent a few hours in strolling the trail past the Forest Classroom, Strongman Slope, Bird-watching areas and Pine Tree Zones. On that weekend, there are few visitors coming around over there because of that day was a normal working day for most of people in Taiwan. As I was across Aowanda Suspension Bridge, I was excited to see that long and high construction. It was worth visiting the scenery where it was beautiful and magnificent view in a forest park. The nature of Aowanda Forest Park is for relaxing and connecting with fresh atmosphere as friends would like to be there. On the second day, I went to Chingjing Farm which is a natural pasture area. Green Green Grassland is a place for sheeps, goats and horses wandering around. Most of visitors came by to take photos with the herds of sheep gathering on the green slopes or appreciated or watched sheep shearing entertainment show. The host’s name called Mr. Grant from New Zealand can speak funny Mandarin introducing what he was going to do and interacted with the audience more actively and loudly big hands. He picked one sheep for positive bid with one viewer for auction but it was not really that thing, just for fun. After that, he started to sheer that sheep in a short time. The sheep was almost naked without any fleece and audience can even touched or patted on sheep’s fleece. Horse show is also one of popular and welcoming shows in Chingjing Farm. Visitors can have a close watch at special varieties of riding shows performed by horse-riders. Hiking along meandering trails in Chingjing is a relaxing and pleasant way to appreciate the natural beauty of Chingjing Farm. Along the pasture and grassland, enjoy fresh air and feel time-passing.Carton King restaurant was a place for lunch time. I found it interesting on the way to Huang Fruit Accommodation. It combines a restaurant and a gift store in a way of card board. It is very innovative ideas that everything was almost made of cardboard such as plates, cups, bowls or even chairs and walls. In a gift shop, there is a Eiffel Tower made of cardboard. The flavor of food was acceptable and the unique idea made the meal unusual. The small Swiss Garden is famous for its European atmosphere and surroundings. Wind mills and various varieties of plants covering the garden. In addition, there is a shower show performing vividly with classic music.In Feng Chia Night Market, I had shrimp sticks, steamed sandwich and braised food. But the key point was that memory of University Life came out in mind and time passes quickly all the time for every life phase and stage named life circle.