Sunday, March 28, 2010

9 O'Connell Street

My dear fellow housemates,

Today, we stand in 9 O'Connell Street, by special relationship, brotherhood and QUT classmates. We are humbled and keepers of this great house. I want to say to you that dirty and untidy environment is real and we face it.

But we had got rid of it every Saturday and Sunday, twice a week. Because we undersatnd that cleaniness is nver given, it must be earned by our hands. Our effort is never a waste of time to keep the order of O' Connell Street. Today, we announce that it's the end of untidy and unorganized promise. We made efforts to ameliorate the surroundings we live in the better. For everywhere, we can see work is done. The state of cleaniness calls for action, indeed.

We are the keepers of 9 O'Connell's Street. It's guided by the fixed principles, given by previous German, Dutch, Taiwanese housemates and so forth. We are the brothers who are shapd by every original birth place and culture. This is the source of confidence andvalue because we all know we're international team.

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