Thursday, August 8, 2013

Estée Lauder PR campaign strategy

The first thing that a marketing manager must do is to choose and extract from the existing product range , those products which satisfy the quality defined for the creation of a brand and have the potential to become an iconic product. If they don't exist, new products will have to be created or those which have existed will have to be perfected. These products and qualities, identifiable in iconic products, must be advertised by a range of media. Satisfactory marketing is the key to giving meaning to the other variables in the process of creating right conditions. Through the use of of a variety of different marketing tool, it is possible to emphasize the different tangible and intangible values of the brand. Each different one will have more power or be more suitable for communicating the different qualities of the brand.

An important aspect of marketing is merchandising, understood the technique of choosing the location and method of displaying and representing the product in the shop. Iconic product should be given well-separated positions in order to communicate their features and emphasize their advantages, not to mention assisting the customer in the selection and purchasing process.

In the case of markets where the brand is much less well-known, on the international scenario, for example, the order of relevance where the aspects are placed can be inverted. In the first place, it will be important to advertise prestige , followed by quality, then the style itself, the value and service. To support the personality of the  brand, it is of interest to define the parameters of a personal advertising style. But of all the marketing tools, the most powerful and most the definitive one is the backing by, association with, trend setters-individuals whose recommendations or prestige is valued by our target audience. When this happens, it is echoed by huge sound, the communication media, particularly the world's fashion, society pages and publications like newspaper or facebook.

The multiplier effect of the fame of a brand is exponential if the celebrity is correctly chosen and the campaign suitable. The power of recommendation and conviction of an opinion leader increases the impact and the penetration of the advertising. The perfect celebrity is someone characterized by a real quality, someone who matches the Unique Selling Proposition(USP) of the brand, so that the advertising has the maximum impact in the desired direction.

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