Thursday, July 23, 2009

class and share house experience

Last night was my geat time in marketing management class on GP campus. Larry was funny and interesting person because he told us some jokes about marketing strategies. All strategies were from USA cases and he spoke English in American way. We had some activities and discussion during the class.

After class, Nigel's wife, Anna told me that I needed to move out until 8/2 because she has been pregnant for at least two weeks and they hope to have a brand-new family life in the future. Their baby will appear someday.

I was shocked and surprised immediately so I contacted my Taiwanese classmates like Josh, Grace, Knight and Erin about accommodation option between share house or unilodge which are better for me. Knight said, I think that share house is a good option because we are abroad and need to make friends with other people who are from different countries and all over the world.

So, I went to Sun Brisabane website looking for housing information in English. Fortunately, I 've got instant information of West End share house. The landlord is from Taiwan. And the landlord's agent is also from the same country. The agent's name is Athena.

Today, I went to 9 O'Connell street, West End. The accommodation is really clean and tidy so I deposited two weeks in advance to book my unit.

It's located near boundary street and I can go to West End church every Sunday.

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