Sunday, July 19, 2009

overseas study

There is no doubt that studying in a foreign country, with its different language and culture, can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience. In my opinion, though overseas study has its drawbacks, its advantages actually outweigh disadvantages. People studying abroad could open themselves up to experieneces that those who stay at home never have.

The most obvious advantage to overseas study is the opportunity to apply a different langauge to real life. The best way to improve our second-langauge skills is to live in a country in which it is spoken. Besides, being equipped with second- langauge skills gives a student a distinct advantage when he applies for a job back home which requires the use of this language.

In addition, on an overseas study campus, a foreign student is likely to encounter a student who is from other country or cultural background and makes friends with them. For one thing, student can broaden their social horizons and world views by associating with people from different backgrounds. For another, it could mean very important contacts in their future careers when they enter society to start to work.

Finally, living and studying abroad can help students gain different perspectives of the world. Onec students ovecome teh initial culture shock, he will gradually get a meaningful understanding of a foreign culture and society . On returning home, students may look at their home country in a new light.

Admittedly, though anxiety of studying overseas is fully understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it worthwhile.

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